About Dr. Ganz

Dr. Ganz graduated Cum Laude from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1995. She worked at a busy practice in Louisville, Kentucky for two years before returning to her home state of Maryland in 1999 to open her own practice. Her practice has always been in Kensington. 

Here’s what Dr. Ganz says about her practice

The practice philosophy is, first and foremost, one of respect for the patients. I am aware that I work for you. When you come to my office it means that you are putting trust in me to try to help you with a health problem. To achieve that, my best tool is the art of listening. As I listen to your story about your pain problem, I am listening for the keys to the solution. When I perform the examination, I am looking for clues about why the problem is perpetual and ongoing. My role is that of a problem-solver. I establish a diagnosis and a treatment plan to carry out the goal of resolving your issue or greatly diminishing its intensity and effect in your life. Part of my success with patients is due to the fact that I teach and coach you about how to be in your body in a pain-reducing way that helps promote better movement patterns and postural habits. I find that if I teach tools for self-help and independence, the outcomes are much better. 

My staff and I want to make your experience in the office as comfortable and stress-free as possible. To that end we try to be as polite and accommodating as possible while scheduling appointments, discussing your insurance benefits and collecting payment for services.


According to The Association of Chiropractic Colleges, chiropractic care focuses on the relationship of structure and function (as coordinated by the nervous system), and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of your health. Qualified chiropractors are professional medical practitioners, delivering long-term care at a fraction of the cost of drug treatments and surgery.

How to Find Us

Nicole Ganz, D.C.

10400 Connecticut Ave. Suite 314

Kensington, MD 20895

(301) 929-8301



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